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 1. Jason Isbell  Press'n the Hearts of Our Teens   
 2. White House  Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto - 12/22/2008  White House Press Briefings 
 3. White House  Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto - 12/23/2008  White House Press Briefings 
 4. White House  Press Briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino and Counselor to the President Ed Gillespie - 1/15/2008  White House Press Briefings 
 5. Bill Chachkes  Field Position: From the Press Press Box - Pre Draft Special 4/27/2007  Tackling Fantasy Football and the NFL 
 6. White House  Press Briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino and Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Joel Kaplan - 12/10/2008  White House Press Briefings 
 7. White House  Press Briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino and Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Joel Kaplan - 12/19/2008  White House Press Briefings 
 8. 1976-07-16  Interview Press--Associated Press--The Driver of the Body  Interview 
 9. Michael 'Darangen' Boyd  Kingdom Hearts A Hearts Resolve  www.rpgamer.com 
 10. Chris Sadler  x-press 2 - muzik x-press  Synths,filters and fx mix 
 11. Chris Sadler  x-press 2 - muzik x-press  Synths,filters and fx mix 
 12. North Carolina Public Radio -  Teens Talk  The State of Things 
 13. Robocop:the movie  highschool teens  Sharks of the imperial swimming pool 
 14. Aqua Teen Hunger Force  We Are The Aqua Teens  Aqua Teen Hunger Force 
 15. Dr. John Townsend  Bounderies with Teens   
 16. Sparks  Tips For Teens  Whomp That Sucker   
 17. Joe Kallo  Using Videography With Teens  OPAL: Online Programming for 
 18. George Barna  Real Teens - I  For Faith & Family Radio 
 19. Sparks  Tips For Teens  Profile: Ultimate Sparks Collection   
 20. C Ross Clement  Talking with Teens  Ensign June 2005 
 21. Robby Russell & Co.  Tips for Teens  Misc. Show Promos 
 22. WHYY  Teens and the Internet  Voices in the Family 
 23. George Barna  Real Teens - II  For Faith & Family Radio 
 24. Sound Medicine  03-08-09: Why Teens Smoke   
 25. George Barna  Real Teens - II  For Faith & Family Radio 
 26. George Barna  Real Teens - I  For Faith & Family Radio 
 27. Aqua Teen Hunger Force  We Are The Aqua Teens  Aqua Teen Hunger Force 
 28. Mark Gregston  Parenting Today's Teens   
 29. Mark Gregston  Parenting Today's Teens   
 30. Mark Gregston  Parenting Today's Teens   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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